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GSK_ERROR_BAD_CERT warning logged on WebSEAL startup. http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=638&uid=swg21199753 This error will occur when WebSEAL tries to establish an ssl connection to a junctioned backend web server, but the ssl negotiation fails because WebSEAL could not verify the backend server's certificate.

How to delete WebSEAL servers which have not been configured correctly.

Problem: The WebSEAL server list in the pdadmin: pdadmin> server list shows the server, but it does not exist anymore, i.e. because the host has been disassembled without unconfiguring the WebSEAL instance. Solution: 1.) Delete the instance in the LDAP under: SecAuthority=Default - cn=securitygroup - cn=webseal-servers - cn=secmgrd-servers 2.) Configure the instance again, which will lead to an error, because it seems to be installed already. Configuring WebSEAL instance 'DO-06'...HPDMG0453E A server with the same name already exists.DPWCF0473E The WebSEAL instance 'DO-06' failed to configure. 3.) Unconfigure the instance, which will show errors, but remove the instance totally. # amwebcfg -action unconfig -inst_name DO-06 -admin_id sec_master -admin_pwd ********* Unconfiguring WebSEAL instance 'DO-06'... 2008-10-28-15:30:10.158+01:00I----- 0x389D51F2 amwebcfg ERROR wcf Error WebCfgAdminApi.cpp 84 0x002198d0 DPWCF0498E The user 'DO-06-webseald/srv1252...

HPDBF0084E Unable to perform SvrSslCfg configuration for Tivoli Access Manager Web Portal Manager.

HPDBF0084E Unable to perform SvrSslCfg configuration for Tivoli Access Manager Web Portal Manager. # /opt/PolicyDirector/sbin/amwpmcfg -host -port 7135 -action unconfig -admin_id sec_master -admin_pwd ********** Unconfiguration of Access Manager Web Portal Manager is in progress. This might take several minutes. HPDBF0084E Unable to perform SvrSslCfg configuration for Tivoli Access Manager Web Portal Manager. Unconfiguration of Access Manager Web Portal Manager completed successfully. /var/PolicyServer/msg__amwpmcfg.log: Performing SvrSslCfg configuration for Web Portal Manager /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/java/jre/bin/java com.tivoli.pd.jcfg.SvrSslCfg -action unconfig -admin_id sec_master -admin_pwd ***** -appsvr_id amwpm -policysvr :7135:1 -cfg_file /opt/PolicyDirector/java/export/pdwpm/pdwpm.properties HPDBF0084E Unable to perform SvrSslCfg configuration for Tivoli Access Manager Web Portal Manager. Deleting pdwpm.conf and its contents Deleting amwpmcfg.properties and its contents Worka...

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/crypto/provider/IBMJCE and com/ibm/misc/CharacterEncoder

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/crypto/provider/IBMJCE and com/ibm/misc/CharacterEncoder Description: When trying to unconfigure the WPM (TAM Web Portal Manager) from V5.1 it did not find these clases: Tivoli Access Manager Unconfiguration Menu 1. Access Manager Web Portal Manager Unconfiguration 2. Access Manager Runtime for Java Unconfiguration 3. Access Manager Authorization Server Unconfiguration 4. Access Manager Policy Server Unconfiguration 5. Access Manager Runtime Unconfiguration x. Return to the Tivoli Access Manager Setup Menu Select the menu item [x]: 1 Enter the hostname of the Access Manager policy server machine [ ]: Enter the port number of the Access Manager policy server machine [7135]: Enter the name for Tivoli Access Manager administrator [sec_master]: Enter the password for Tivoli Access Manager administrator: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDef...

Error: HPDMG0764E An internal error has occurred. (status 0x14c012fc)

Error: HPDMG0764E An internal error has occurred. (status 0x14c012fc) pdadmin sec_master> user create dg1234 uid=dg1234,cn=team1,cn=users,o=company lala lala ********** Could not perform the administration request Error: HPDMG0764E An internal error has occurred. (status 0x14c012fc) Description: After the upgrade from Policy Director (policy server) V5.1 to V6.0 the errors above occured when trying to write to the registry. Solution: The task of updating the ldap schema did not work well for some reason. After doing it again the errors did not occur again: # ivrgy_tool -d -h ldap_host -p port -D ldap_admin -w pwd schema