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The macros in this project are disabled. Please refer to the online help or documentation of the host application to determine how to enable macros.

1. Create a digital certificate Windows XP: Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft Office Tools -> Digital Certificate for VBA Projects Follow the instructions to create a certificate. 2. Sign the Macro In Outlook: Tools -> Macro -> Visual Basic Editor. In the Project Explorer, select the project you want to sign. Click Tools -> Digital Signature. Click Choose, select the certificate, click OK twice. Save. 3. When you open or run the macro, you will get a security warning. Check "Always trust macros from this source". Thanks to that unknown guest: http://www.pcreview.co.uk/forums/showpost.php?p=2488705&postcount=3

Change ISC security role for TAM WPM 6.1

If you already configured the WPM and then found out that it is implemented in the ISC (What a bad idea!), then you have to unconfigure the WPM: # /opt/PolicyDirector/sbin/amwpmcfg -action unconfig -interactive Then unpack the iscwpm.war (/opt/PolicyDirector/java/export/pdwpm/iscwpm.war): # /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/java/bin/jar xvf /tmp/iscwpm.war Modify ibm-portal-security.xml: old: new: Repack the iscwpm.war (remove the copy of your original /tmp/iscwpm.war first) and put it into place again: # /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/java/bin/jar cvf /opt/PolicyDirector/java/export/pdwpm/iscwpm.war /tmp/* Reconfigure the WPM: # /opt/PolicyDirector/sbin/amwpmcfg -action config -interactive Then you can give your WPM Adminperson the role wpm-user within the ISC. Then he/she can see everything, but can only do changes in WPM. IBM link: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=638&context=SSPREK&q1=6.1+role&uid=swg21307731&loc=en_US&cs=utf-8&lang=en

HPDAZ0602E Corrupted file: Insufficient information to contact a Policy Server.

Solution: Use another Java. I found this at IBM pages: Certain versions of Sun Java are incompatible with tfimcfg. The incompatibility causes the following error: HPDAZ0602E Corrupted file: Insufficient information to contact Policy ServerThe problem occurs because the Sun JRE is unable to read the keystores generated by the Tivoli(R) Access Manager PDJrteCfg. When this error occurs, you should either use an IBM(R) JVM or else apply the latest JRE patches from Sun. If the problem persists after applying the patches from Sun, use an IBM JVM for the configuration. I had the problem unconfiguring the WPM of TAM for e-business. So I used the java in /opt/WebSphere/AppServer: . /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/setupCmdLine.sh

How to get rid of "ghost-servers" in your WebSEAL Server list?

Imagine some funny guys installed some weird servers or anything connecting to your policy director and you do not know why and who and they are long gone and you assume that the servers have no purpose anymore. Or you have an old Web Portal Manager (amwpm) installation, but the server where it was installed is long gone. So, how to get rid of those servers in your list? pdadmin sec_master> server list si2tty-hst1116.dada.com amwpm-hst2128 hirsch.emea.dadacorp.net-localhost # touch /tmp/null.conf # svrsslcfg -unconfig -f /tmp/null.conf -n amwpm -h hst2128 -P ******* -A sec_master Unconfiguration of application "amwpm" for host "hst2128" is in progress. This might take several minutes. SSL unconfiguration for application "amwpm" has completed successfully. # svrsslcfg -unconfig -f /tmp/null.conf -n si2tty -h hst1116.dada.com -P ******* -A sec_master Unconfiguration of application "si2tam" for host "hst1116.dada.com" is in ...

WebSphere Application Server LDAP: The administrative user ID does not exist in the user repository.

When you try to enable global security with ldap authentication you get the following error when configuring your ldap repository (IBM Directory Server): The administrative user ID does not exist in the user repository. Reason: The bind user must be searchable. This means that an ldapsearch with this user as bind user must return his own entry. If this does not work, you have to add an aclEntry: vi change-was7101-aclentry.ldif dn: uid=was7101,cn=mygroup,cn=admusr,o=mycomp aclentry: access-id:UID=WAS7101,CN=MYGROUP,CN=ADMUSR,O=MYCOMP:normal:rsc $ ldapmodify -h myhost -x -D "cn=root" -w ******* -f change-was7101-aclentry.ldif modifying entry "uid=was7101,cn=mygroup,cn=admusr,o=mycomp" Now user was7101 can do an ldapsearch to find itself and therefore you can use it to configure you LDAP repository. This article gave me the hint: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=767&uid=swg21219253

Custom list NewForm.aspx ruined, lost or deleted in WSS 3.0

My problem: I "accidently" deleted the NewForm.aspx and then I got the errors: If you click New to create a new item in the list, you receive the following message: Invalid page URL: If you click an existing item in the list, you receive the following error message: An unexpected error has occurred I had a backup copy of my NewForm.aspx, but it did not work to just put it back into place. (see also here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/935504 ) I also had the field "new item form" in list properties empty (see image) and I could not fill the value. Whenever I saved a change it was empty again, when I called the properties again. Here I found my rescue: To view the original information: http://blogs.msdn.com/dszabo/archive/2007/02/20/custom-list-newform-aspx-ruined-in-wss-3-0.aspx This is just to keep the information in case Davids page might be unavailable: 1. Open NewForm.aspx and EditForm.aspx in Sharepoint Designer 2. Copy the code for the ListFormWebPart contro...

How to calculate the cw in sharepoint

SP calculated fields: http://abstractspaces.wordpress.com/2009/05/02/common-date-time-formulas-for-sharepoint-calculated-fields/ cw =INT((Created-DATE(YEAR(Created),1,1))/7) This is for calendarweeks as in Outlook: cw 1 is the first week in the year with a Monday. =INT(([Date Production]-DATE(YEAR([Date Production]),1,1)+(TEXT(WEEKDAY(DATE(YEAR([Date Production]),1,1)),"d")-1))/7)

How to clear field in sharepoint workflow!

Unfortunately there is no explicit function to clear a field within a workflow, but there is a workaround. It works similiar to the [Me] and [Today] trick. 1. Create a column. It does not matter how you name it or which type it is. 2. In your workflow use "Set Field in Current Item" like "Set to . 3. Save your workflow. 4. Delete the new column. Thanks to Nammy . :-)

Sharepoint: Field with month portion of the current date

Problem: I need a field which holds the month and the year portion of the current date. This field should be auto-filled when an entry is created. Although the field is autofilled, it should be editable by the user later. Problem detail: 1) A calculated field will no show in the Editform.aspx or in the NewForm.aspx. So it is not editable. 2) Formatting of dates in workflows is not possible with Sharepoint Designer. Solution: 1) Create a helping field, i.e. month-help, which is a calculated field with your formula, i.e. =TEXT(MONTH(Created),"00")&"."&TEXT(YEAR(Created),"00") Attention: Formatting to i.e. 08 for August does not work with "MM". It works with "00". 2) Create the "real" field, i.e. month. 3) Create a workflow which starts whenever an item is created and do this action: Set month to month-help.

Use Me or Today in Sharepoint calculated field

Error message: "Calculated columns cannot contain volatile functions like Today and Me. " But you can!!!! Solution: 1. Create a field (no matter what type) called Me or Today depending what you want to use. 2. Create your calculated field and use Me or Today like you want to use it. 3. Delete the first field: Me or Today. Ready. Now your calculated field will use Me=the user which is me or Today=the day today.