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Es werden Posts vom März, 2010 angezeigt.

removing my old ACLs from an obsolete WebSphere Portal Server's external authorization

Problem I want to delete the old WPS... ACLs from the old WebSphere Portal Server external authorization, which are not needed anymore. (Note: It was no problem to delete the object /WPS.) But I cannot modify/delete or even show the ACLs in pdadmin or WPM. In pdadmin I cannot see any ACL Entry on the object or on the ACL, but in a pdacld_dump I can see ACL entries for Groups and Users (Principals). I'm getting always: Could not perform the administration request Error: HPDAC1050E Operation is not authorized. (status 0x1005b41a) pdadmin sec_master> acl show WPS_PORTLET_DEFINITION_MCO-directory-Search_3_0_1O9-User ACL Name: WPS_PORTLET_DEFINITION_MCO-directory-Search_3_0_1O9-User Description: ACL for WP rolePORTLET_DEFINITION/MCO directory Search/3_0_1O9@User Entries: ---------> no ACLEntry can be seen I did a pdacld_dump on the PD from the PolicyDirector/db/master_authzn.db: /opt/PolicyDirector/sbin/pdacld_dump -f /var/PolicyDirector/db/master_authzn.db > /opt/install/...