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Es werden Posts vom 2011 angezeigt.

This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device. (Code 31)

No solution yet. :-( It started all when I installed Windows 7. To get online when travelling I installed a driver for a UMTS stick and it all worked fine, but suddenly the connection could not be established (anymore!). I tried a thousand things, but I am still stuck with this error. When I plug in the UMTS stick I get an error when installing the driver  - something with modem always. Then I got a new mobile phone - Samsung Galaxy S plus and when I plug it, I get the same error. :-( Kies cannot connect. :-( Now I unstalled the device (without deleting the software. Let's see what happens. Then I unplugged the device and let Kies install some driver. It does not say what exactly. After plugging in the phone it has the same error when installing the driver:   Eventlog says this: "The description for Event ID 1 from source Modem cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted....

How to install a module into perl

Totally new at perl I installed strawberry perl and tried to connect ot a database with an example script, but I got this: Can't locate Win32/ODBC.pm in @INC (@INC contains: C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib C:/strawberry/perl/vendor/lib C:/strawberry/perl/lib .) at db.pl line 13. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at db.pl line 13. Finding me very clever I search this ODBC.pm in my perl installation and found it under C:\strawberry\perl\vendor\lib\DBD and copied it to C:\strawberry\perl\vendor\lib\Win32. Then I got this: Can't locate object method "new" via package "Win32::ODBC" (perhaps you forgot to load "Win32::ODBC"?) at db.pl line 2. I googled some more and learned that I have to install the correct module for Win32 like this: perl -MCPAN -e shell install Win32::ODBC Since I am inside an intranet I have to use a proxy: Windows XP Open the Control Panel and click the System icon. The System Properties dialog is displayed....

GSK_KEYRING_OPEN_ERROR-Keyring file did not open

2011-01-18-10:06:22.760+01:00I----- 0x389D0389 webseald WARNING wca revpwd revpwdchk_gskit_sock.c 130 0x0403ab90 DPWCA0905W   Function call, gsk_environment_init, failed error: 000000ca GSK_KEYRING_OPEN_ERROR-Keyring file did not open. 2011-01-18-10:06:22.760+01:00I----- 0x13212064 webseald WARNING ias general pdauthn.cpp 1740 0x0403ab90 HPDIA0100E   An internal error has occurred. Function call, func, failed error: error code error text. Explanation: The specified GSKit function failed while setting up for SSL connections to junctions or from browsers. Or perhaps the initial handshake failed due to invalid certificates or the browser simply closed the connection abruptly. Action: Examine the error text for details. Typical problems might be that the PKCS#11 library is incorrectly specified, or the PKCS#11 token or token password is incorrect, or the PKCS#11 token is not set up. Name: revpwd_s_ssl_status_function_ failed Number: 0x389d0389 (949814...