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Raspberry Reanimation

I haven't had much time for my little friend lately, but I new he (she?) was there because I saw her LEDs blinking on the wardrobe. When I got a new router I unglugged him and after a few days I wanted to power her up again, but the only thing he showed was the red power LED. Hugh? What's wrong?

After a few attempts the behaviour did not change. I googled but did not find anything useful. So I decided to start all over again.

Here we go and start with building the SD card from scratch:

Latest Wheezy (2014-06-22):

Latest (1.66) USB Tool by Alex: http://www.alexpage.de/download/usbit/usbit.zip

I do not know why, but my Windows did not show FAT32 format option and my SD card was still holding the Linux partition. I used compmgmt.msc to remove the data, then diskpart to delete the partition and then again compmgmt.msc to format FAT32.

# compmgmt.msc
#  diskpart

# compmgmt.msc

Since it seemed that the Raspberry could not read the SD card I did not choose "quick format". Went to get some coffee.

Then I copied the image to the card with "restore".

I put the newly created card into the Raspi and plugged it to my TV with my HDMI cable. This time I new exactly where to find it and did not have to buy a new on. :-)

With keyboard and mouse attached to the Raspi I powered it on and ... ... YEAH! It came back to me with the freshly installed Wheezy.

I extended the FS, changed the default password for pi and rebooted. Then I shut it down, took it back to its place on the wardrobe and attached it to my (new) router (FRITZ!Box 7362 SL) and I could finally see the Raspi connected to the router.

I assigned a fix IP to the Raspi ...

... and connected with kitty (putty).

Hello my friend! :-)

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
Reduced memory for GPU from 64 to 16 MB:
# sudo raspi-config
8 Advanced Options
A3 Memory Split


It is always useful to have a webserver:

sudo apt-get install apache2

Portforwarding to make my Apache reachable from the outside.

Dynamic DNS for a nice hostname: https://spdns.de



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