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Es werden Posts vom Dezember, 2014 angezeigt.

Mounted my USB stick (sitting at the Fritz!Box) to my Raspi

1. Plug the USB stick into the Fritz!Box 7362 SL. It is ready to use then. 2. Create a user in your Fritz!Box with only the permission to use NAS content. 3. Add your NAS content folder to the permissions for your new user. 4. Create a directory on your Raspberry # sudo mkdir /mnt/usb 5. Add an entry to your /etc/fstab # sudo vi /etc/fstab // /mnt/usb        cifs    defaults,username=piusb,password=***** 0       0 You'll have to use your plaintext password for your fstab. If you do not want to do this then use a credential file like credentials=/etc/samba/share.cred. 6. Reload your /etc/fstab # mount -a